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OCRPL is a community of students and faculty dedicated to advancing global south scholarship for global impact

Dr Chris Sugden

Ph D Programme Leader

Specialty: Missiology Holistic Transformation

Short Biography

Canon Dr Christopher Sugden is an ordained priest of the Church of England, and holds canonries in the Diocese of Jos, Nigeria and Sunyani Ghana. He spent over 5 years as an assistant minister of the Church of South India in Bangalore, India while serving as Director of Course Writing in the Association for Theological Education (TAFTEE) in India.

He holds degrees in Classics and Theology from Oxford University, an MPhil on a Christian Approach to Violence and Revolution from Nottingham University and a Ph D from the UK Council for National Academic Awards on Christian social witness in India and Indonesia.

He is married to Elaine, a retired cancer consultant doctor, with three married children and nine grandchildren.

He was co-founder and director of the Oxford Centre for Mission Studies, executive secretary and now chairman of Anglican Mainstream and a member of the Church of England General Synod for nine years.

He was co-founder of the Oxford Centre for Religion and Public Life and now leads its Ph D Programme.

Research interests

  • Freedom of Religion
  • Mission and Social Development
  • Public Theology

Publications/ Journal Articles


  • 1975 Social Gospel or No Gospel Nottingham, Grove Booklets
  • 1976 A Different Dream Non Violence as Practical Politics Nottingham Grove Booklets
  • 1981 Radical Discipleship, London: Marshalls Translated into German and published as
    Radicale Nachfolge
  • 1997 Seeking the Asian Face of Jesus: Christian Social Witness in Indonesia and India 1974¬-1996 Oxford: Regnum Publications
  • 2000 Gospel, Culture and Transformation Regnum Books

    Contributed to books with others
  • 1982 Evangelism and the Poor, with V Samuel, (eds), Bangalore: Partnership in Mission Asia; (Exeter, Paternoster Press, 1983).
  • 1983 Sharing Jesus in the Two 7hirds World, with V Samuel (eds), Bangalore: PIM A. Also republished by Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, and translated into German.
  • 1986 The Church in Response to Human Need edited by Vinay Samuel and Chris Sugden (Eerdmans, Grand Rapids).
  • 1990 “Evangelicals and Religious Pluralism” in Religious Pluralism and Unbelief, edited by Ian Hamnett (London, Routledge)
  • 1990 Kingdom and Creation in Social Ethics, with 0 Barclay, Nottingham: Grove Books
  • 1999 Mission as Transformation Co edited with Vinay Samuel Oxford Regnum Press, republished by Wipf and Stock 2009
  • 2021 Good News to the Poor with Vinay Samuel Grove Books, Cambridge, 2021
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