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Return & refund

Provider’s name: The Oxford Centre for Religion and Public Life:

Provider’s UKPRN: 10084082

Contact Person: Daniel Thejus


The following provisions and policies have been established where The Oxford Centre for Religion and Public Life (hereinafter “OCRPL”) is unable to provide continuation of study to teach out the course, effective from 19/20 academic year:

  1. OCRPL takes its contractual relationship with its students seriously and is committed to doing everything in its power to enable continuation of study as set out in our Student Protection Plan (hereinafter “SPP”).
  2. This policy covers refunds and compensation arrangements in exceptional situations where OCRPL is not able to provide continuation of study because of a rare event that has triggered the SPP for some or all students. This Policy should be read in conjunction with the SPP and the terms and conditions of the Student Contract for the appropriate year.
  3. The SPP provides examples of rare events, such as flood or fire, giving rise to circumstances in which OCRPL has to close a course and is unable to teach out existing students. It may also include circumstances where OCRPL loses the right to teach out an accredited course
  4. This Refund and Compensation Policy for Course Closure is applicable when the SPP is triggered and applies to: 4.1 students who pay their own tuition fees; and
    4.2 students whose tuition fees are paid by a sponsor.
  5. This policy does not apply to planned course closures with teach out of existing students which do not trigger the SPP. In the case of planned course closures, OCRPL will make plans to teach out the course.
  6. In cases where the SPP is triggered, following an incident such as a fire, where OCRPL is unable to provide continuation of study, we will consult with students and discuss measures to mitigate the course closure by transferring students to another university to enable course completion. Please note that it may not be possible to consult students in advance in all cases, for example, in emergency situations.
  7. If your course is temporarily transferred to another university and you need to incur additional travel costs, OCRPL will compensate you for reasonable additional travel costs incurred as a result of the temporary transfer of your course, with the condition that the transfer is made to a university in the same country as the original university.
  8. In the case of course closure and permanent transfer to another provider, OCRPL will refund any fees for periods of study that are not recognised by your new provider and will provide compensation for reasonably incurred additional costs such as maintenance or travel costs that you cannot reasonably avoid.
  9. As each situation and students’ individual circumstances will be different, it is not possible to specify in advance what compensation would be appropriate, but OCRPL’s intention is that as long as additional costs are reasonable and you act in a reasonable manner to minimise your losses, OCRPL will seek to ensure that you are not out of pocket as a result of the transfer. This includes the transfer of any scholarship (or equivalent amount where transfer is not permitted by an external funder) where eligibility criteria continue to be met.
  10. In the case of course closure where OCRPL is unable to make alternative teaching arrangements to enable continuation of study, or with another provider, OCRPL will refund tuition fees (or a proportion of tuition fees where an intermediate award is made).
  11. OCRPL will also refund any appropriate losses directly incurred by students, such as the cost of a visa, accommodation, and maintenance costs.
  12. In cases where we are unable to continue the course or transfer a student to another provider, exceptionally, OCRPL may also make a payment for inconvenience or lost time.
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