A Christian Attitude to the State — An Indian Perspective

This post is old and archived in physical copy. Hence pdf version is only available A Christian Attitude to the State — An Indian Perspective...

A Christian Perspective on the Family

This post is old and archived in physical copy. Hence pdf version is only available A Christian Perspective on the Family by Vinay Samuel Transformation...

Freedom Vs. Equality : A Reflection

1. In Transformational Development practice I have often faced this challenge. Do we shape our programmes with equality as the key drive and so...

Death, Injustice, Resurrection and Transformation

This post is old and archived in physical copy. Hence only pdf version is available Death, Injustice, Resurrection and Transformation by Chris Sugden Transformation 2005...

The wounds still bleed after Kandhamal

The wounds still bleed after Kandhamal JOHN DAYAL New Delhi, India Church of England Newspaper 12 October 2018 Sister M. is how we identify her. Ten years...

The Church and the Child – A Theological Reflection

Much has been said about the “ecclesial deficit” among evangelical, bible believing Christians. Evangelical commitment to evangelism, to leading individuals including children to a...

Rethinking Inter-religious Dialogue for our Times

For the December public lecture by Zoom of the Oxford Centre for Religion and Public Life, Rev Dr Peniel Rajkumar, the Progamme Executive for...

A Christmas Message from South Sudan – Archbishop Moses Deng

24th December 2017 2:41 pm by Hassan John.  The author, Archbishop Moses Deng, is a participant in the OCRPL/Stellenbosch University Ph D Programme. It is a phrase that you...

‘Lost Boy of Sudan’: a rebel and now a Bishop

This is the story of Bishop Zechariah Manyok Biar, Suffragan Bishop of Wanglei in the Episcopal Church of Sudan

Christian Ministry under Persecution – Most Rev Dr Benjamin Kwashi

Oxford Centre for Religion and Public Life Public Lecture given by zoom Friday July 29th at 12 noon GMT.