Blogs & Articles

The former president of Nigeria sets out the Christian principles of...

Church of England Newspaper February 9 2018   Leadership for change in Africa – the art of self-transcendancy   Chief Olusegun Matthew Obasanjo, president of Nigeria from 1976-1979...

Decolonizing Data and Recovering the Person in Christian Relief and Development...

by Dr Rebecca Supriya Shah. The purpose of this paper is to prompt Western Christian organizations—funded and led by people whose histories are intertwined with...

Online workshop trains educators in online theological education

Myanmar is currently in the grip of a brutal and isolating civil war. Christians in this nation are struggling greatly to continue to train...

Religion and Social Justice Social Justice as Praxis – Dr Basilius...

Namibian Journal of Social Justice – Vol 2, November 2022. pp 161 -176 Abstract: Social injustice is neither morally neutral nor does it happen in...

Biblical Framework for Transformational Development

Section 1: THE BIBLE AND OUR AGENDA FOR TRANSFORMATIONAL DEVELOPMENT We approach the Bible with the agenda of Transformational Development. Everyone who draws on the Bible...

The Development Movement: An Overview and Appraisal

This post is old and archived in physical copy. Hence pdf version is only available The Development Movement: An Overview and Appraisal by Vinay Samuel...

Maternal-thinking, Missio Dei, and Managerial Missiology: A Colombian Case Study

Author Biography Renee Rheinbolt-Uribe, Stellenbosch University Research Fellow, Faculty of Theology “Maternal-thinking” in missiology emphasizes the importance of mothers in God’s eyes. Maternal-thinking emphasizes motherhood and womanhood,...

A Value-based Anti-Corruption Initiative – Archbishop Dr Eliud Wabukala

Oxford Centre for Religion and Public Life Public Lecture given by zoom Friday August 26th at 11am GMT.

Identity and Transformation: The Oxford Lectures

This post is old and archived in physical copy. Hence only pdf version is available Identity and Transformation: The Oxford Lectures of Vinay Samuel Transformation...

Heads of African Christian Institutions study Islam

More than seventy heads of university theology faculties, principals of theological colleges and directors of national Christian fellowships from twenty countries throughout sub-Saharan Africa met for the nineteenth...