Identity and Transformation: The Oxford Lectures

This post is old and archived in physical copy. Hence only pdf version is available Identity and Transformation: The Oxford Lectures of Vinay Samuel Transformation...

Decolonizing Data and Recovering the Person in Christian Relief and Development...

by Dr Rebecca Supriya Shah. The purpose of this paper is to prompt Western Christian organizations—funded and led by people whose histories are intertwined with...

Bishop who visited Syria happy to be “useful idiot for Christ”

Church of England Newspaper May 4 Bishop Michael Langrish, the former Bishop of Exeter, was part of a group who visited Syria over the period...

Equality, authority and the rejection of the liberal consensus

Baroness Hale, Deputy President of the UK Supreme Court and the most senior woman judge in the land, recently reviewed growing tensions between religion and UK equality law. Chris Sugden and Vinay Samuel review her lecture

Patrick Sookhdeo’s Research Method

During the recent Stellenbosch DPhil research and methodologies seminar, Professor Patrick Sookhdeo presented a paper on his research methodologies. This paper outlines his approach...

A Christian Attitude to the State — An Indian Perspective

This post is old and archived in physical copy. Hence pdf version is only available A Christian Attitude to the State — An Indian Perspective...

Heads of African Christian Institutions study Islam

More than seventy heads of university theology faculties, principals of theological colleges and directors of national Christian fellowships from twenty countries throughout sub-Saharan Africa met for the nineteenth...

The ethically neutral space of altruism and fundraising.

Vinay Samuel and Chris Sugden On Tuesday June 18, the Governing Body of Murray Edwards College Cambridge met to consider the findings of the Charity...

A Report on Dr Timothy Shah’s OCRPL lecture on Religious Liberty

The roots of Religious liberty What is a secure basis for religious liberty? According to President Macron in France, following the terrorist murders, such liberty...

Reflections on Islam and Christian Mission Today

Context The Contemporary contexts of Christian Mission to Muslim communities and individuals are varied, complex and challenging. In their self-understanding, their relations with people of...