Mission and Power

A significant amount of contemporary scholarship sees all social relationships as shaped by power. Power becomes the central interpretative key to understand social reality....

Children and Youth as Agents of Transformation and Mission

Our conviction that children and youth can be agents of God’s Mission and Transformational action in God’s world is based on the teaching of...

Bible has ‘no place for left and right’ , economics conference...

Chris Sugden, 24 January 2019   ‘Left’ and ‘right’ political and economic categories cannot be applied to the bible’s economic understanding, and are of little use...

A Value-based Anti-Corruption Initiative – Archbishop Dr Eliud Wabukala

Oxford Centre for Religion and Public Life Public Lecture given by zoom Friday August 26th at 11am GMT.

Stellenbosch PhD Two-Week Seminar

OCRPL and Stellenbosch University Post-graduate researchers meet online for two weeks Church leaders in Africa, Asia and Latin America, especially in countries where Christians are...

The ethically neutral space of altruism and fundraising.

Vinay Samuel and Chris Sugden On Tuesday June 18, the Governing Body of Murray Edwards College Cambridge met to consider the findings of the Charity...

Video Diaries of the OCRPL/Stellenbosch University Ph D Programme October 2018

One of our Ph D cohort, Basilius Kasera from Namibia, has composed these video diaries of the Introductory Ph D Seminar in Stellenbosch University...

A Christian Attitude to the State — An Indian Perspective

This post is old and archived in physical copy. Hence pdf version is only available A Christian Attitude to the State — An Indian Perspective...