It Stinketh: On the End (and The End?) of the Modern...

by  Stephen J. Heaney (The Witherspoon Institute), January 22nd, 2018 The modern university project, as articulated by the American Association of University Professors, is a project of planned...

Faith communities ‘can help forge inclusive future for South Africa’

FAITH COMMUNITIES have a duty to help provide the civic education that can help forge an inclusive future for South Africa.

Religion and Social Justice Social Justice as Praxis – Dr Basilius...

Namibian Journal of Social Justice – Vol 2, November 2022. pp 161 -176 Abstract: Social injustice is neither morally neutral nor does it happen in...

The former president of Nigeria sets out the Christian principles of...

Church of England Newspaper February 9 2018   Leadership for change in Africa – the art of self-transcendancy   Chief Olusegun Matthew Obasanjo, president of Nigeria from 1976-1979...

Hidden Christians and Churches in the Middle East

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Rethinking Inter-religious Dialogue for our Times

For the December public lecture by Zoom of the Oxford Centre for Religion and Public Life, Rev Dr Peniel Rajkumar, the Progamme Executive for...

Bible has ‘no place for left and right’ , economics conference...

Chris Sugden, 24 January 2019   ‘Left’ and ‘right’ political and economic categories cannot be applied to the bible’s economic understanding, and are of little use...

A Report on Dr Timothy Shah’s OCRPL lecture on Religious Liberty

The roots of Religious liberty What is a secure basis for religious liberty? According to President Macron in France, following the terrorist murders, such liberty...