Hated without a Reason: The Remarkable story of Christian persecution over...

Available from Isaac Publishing Hated without a Reason: The Remarkable story of Christian persecution over the centuries Patrick Sookhdeo, Isaac Publications, April 2019. 272pp £10.00 In his...

Basilius Kasera – Toward Shalom as a Radical and Transformative Conceptual...

The article explores how a biblically informed concept of shalom could provide for a thicker theological and conceptual framework for Christian praxis in the...

COVID-19 Where is God in all this?

Available from Grove Books Limited Over the last 6 months our Co-Dean of Graduate Programmes, Canon Dr Chris Sugden edited the following 28 page booklet...

Understanding Living Islam

Available from Isaac Publishing Spirituality, Structures, Society and Sects A detailed study of the practices, family life, social structures, spirituality and sects of Muslims today. Including...

With the Eye of Faith

Available from Barnabas Fund Meditations and Prayers This book of 98 meditations and prayers is intended to help the reader encounter God and His love in...
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