The ethically neutral space of altruism and fundraising.

Vinay Samuel and Chris Sugden On Tuesday June 18, the Governing Body of Murray Edwards College Cambridge met to consider the findings of the Charity...

African Christian Leadership, Realities, Opportunities and Impact: Eds Robert J Priest...

African Christian Leadership, Realities, Opportunities and Impact Edited by Robert J Priest and Kirimi Barine ( Orbis Books for the American Society of Missiology, 2017)....

Islamic Minorities in Non-Islamic Democracies

This is a brief exploration of some keys to understand the uneasy, aggrieved and confrontational relationship between Muslim minorities and state and society in...


This post is old and archived in physical copy. Hence pdf version is only available Leadership by Vinay Samuel Transformation 1986 (Vol. 3, No. 4,...

Review: The New Civic Religion – A Christian Study Guide to...

Patrick Sookhdeo Isaac Publishing 2016 192 pp  Book review in the Church of England Newspaper 11 August The recent upsurge in religiously inspired violence in...

Human Rights Today – An Overview

We live in a world increasingly dominated by struggles for human rights.  In the past four months human rights activists have rocked the Arab...

A Christian Attitude to the State — An Indian Perspective

This post is old and archived in physical copy. Hence pdf version is only available A Christian Attitude to the State — An Indian Perspective...

Exploring the nature of the “Moral” in Moral Conservatism: A Reflection

Conservatism like any movement keeps evolving when movements are in process and keep changing. How can one know if they have gone off the...

Strangers and Exiles in Bible

This post is old and archived in physical copy. Hence pdf version is only available Strangers and Exiles in the Bible by Vinay Samuel Transformation...

Response to the Brussels Consultation

This post is old and archived in physical copy. Hence pdf version is only available Response to the Brussels Consultation (Evangelism and Social Action are...