‘Lost Boy of Sudan’: a rebel and now a Bishop

This is the story of Bishop Zechariah Manyok Biar, Suffragan Bishop of Wanglei in the Episcopal Church of Sudan

Faith communities ‘can help forge inclusive future for South Africa’

FAITH COMMUNITIES have a duty to help provide the civic education that can help forge an inclusive future for South Africa.

Is forgiveness possible in South Africa ?

Is forgiveness between Black and White South Africans really possible after more than two decades of democracy?

Church’s post-colonial survival lies in ‘meaningful’ theology

The challenge to the church’s survival in the post-colonial era lies in a ‘meaningful’ theological engagement with the fields of economics, politics and issues...

Equality, authority and the rejection of the liberal consensus

Baroness Hale, Deputy President of the UK Supreme Court and the most senior woman judge in the land, recently reviewed growing tensions between religion and UK equality law. Chris Sugden and Vinay Samuel review her lecture

Review: The New Civic Religion – A Christian Study Guide to...

Patrick Sookhdeo Isaac Publishing 2016 192 pp  Book review in the Church of England Newspaper 11 August The recent upsurge in religiously inspired violence in...

Human Rights Today – An Overview

We live in a world increasingly dominated by struggles for human rights.  In the past four months human rights activists have rocked the Arab...

Freedom Vs. Equality : A Reflection

1. In Transformational Development practice I have often faced this challenge. Do we shape our programmes with equality as the key drive and so...

Children and Youth as Agents of Transformation and Mission

Our conviction that children and youth can be agents of God’s Mission and Transformational action in God’s world is based on the teaching of...

Biblical Framework for Transformational Development

Section 1: THE BIBLE AND OUR AGENDA FOR TRANSFORMATIONAL DEVELOPMENT We approach the Bible with the agenda of Transformational Development. Everyone who draws on the Bible...