Oxford Centre for Religion and Public Life

OCRPL Newsletter – #3

22nd December, 2020

Christmas Greetings from Dr Patrick Sookhdeo

As this year draws to a close, may I take the opportunity to wish you a joyful Christmas and a happy New Year.

This year has been shaped by a microscopic virus which none of us saw coming. It has been a year of small beginnings and devastating results. The virus has brazenly revealed to us our lack of control and our fragility, and has brought significant challenges to theological education across the globe.

As we have met and spoken with our partners across the Global South, it has become clear that the impact has been catastrophic for many. In response, the OCRPL and GILD have sought to meet these needs where they have arisen and to partner with those who have been impacted by these challenges.

In a similar way, Christmas celebrates small beginnings – that is, a tiny baby who shaped the course of history. The impact of this event, of course, is vastly different from that of the virus.

It is the birth of this child which brings us hope in the midst of our despair. He brings clarity and freedom, despite the confusion and lockdowns. He brings friendship instead of fear. He brings healing and life, instead of disease and death.

Whilst the impact of this year may follow us into 2021, we can find comfort in knowing that the everlasting God will partner with us and give us the strength and faith to see it through.

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